Serving the interests of the parcel tanker industry for nearly 40 years.

For nearly 40 years IPTA has been the only association that exclusively represents operators of IMO classified chemical and product tankers within the industry

Since 1997 we have had consultative status as an NGO with IMO allowing members the opportunity to influence future rules & regulations.

Who Can Become a Member:

Full membership is open to…

ship owners

Shipbrokers and others engaged in serving owners and operators in the parcel tanker trade are welcomed as Associate Members.


Not For Profit

PTA is a not-for-profit organisation with an Annual subscription fee.

Equal Say policy

All members of IPTA have an equal say in determining policy no matter the fleet size.

IPTA Secretariat

IPTA strives to keep its members thoroughly informed about any updates to current legislation, industry regulations, and potential new laws under consideration. This is achieved through regular email updates, meetings, and quarterly newsletters.

Your Questions Answered

IPTA provides prompt and informative answers to members’  queries on a wide range of legislative, operational and safety issues. Your confidentiality is ensured.

Strength in Unity

Influence future legislation and ongoing revisions of established regulations to ensure that the specific needs of the parcel tanker industry are fully considered.