IMO is currently collecting data for a review by 2026 in the meantime no further correction factors will be agreed.
The amendments to Marpol Annex VI incorporating the mandatory EEXI requirements will take effect on ships from the 1st January 2023. It is important that members are aware of this.
This includes the updating of your Ship Energy Efficiency Plan before the 31st 0f Dec 2022 and compliance with the EEXI by the first survey after the 1st of Jan 2023 We will provide copies of the guidelines on the method of calculation of the attained EEXI and the guidelines on the survey and certification of the attained EEXI on our website in due course.
The CII correction factors for Adverse Weather and for Port /berth waiting time have not been agreed at this time and we believe this could have a significant impact on CII values, with otherwise efficient vessels potentially receiving so called “inferior” D or E CII Ratings. We are hoping that members who are affected will send us the information on the incidents so that we can pool information with other NGOs for a combined submission on its effect on our trade. We will revert further on this in due course.